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How To Treat An Aging Eye

Writer's picture: Skin WorthySkin Worthy

Our eyes - they are a central feature of our face and often considered one of the most beautiful and attractive features.  Our eyes tell a story, they show emotion, they are first area to convey a message of how rested or tired we are, and unfortunately, our eyes show signs of the aging process the fastest. For these reasons, it is one of the most popular areas that patients come into clinic seeking both preventative and rejuvenation treatments.

As with all other areas of the face, the aging process is multi-layered and complex. Here at Skin Worthy, we use our signature 54321 assessment model to guide all of our treatment plans.  This model assess all 5 facial layers to piece together a holistic and comprehensive picture of the aging process, so that we address your concerns effectively and suggest the best possible approach to achieve your goals. 

Let’s dive deeper into what happens in the aging process of the eye, and explore the contributing causes of the aging process at each decade. But first a quick anatomical review.

The 5 Facial Layers of Aging - The Eyes

5: Bone aging around the eye : As we age, our forehead flattens back, our temples move inwards, the orbit of our eye socket expands, and we experience mid cheekbone resorption.  The accumulation of all of these processes result in a loss of structural support for the layers above, causing tissue sagging and herniation of both tissues and fat. 

4: Deep fat pads: Loss of mid-face projection of the deep fat pad called the SOOF causes sinking of the cheeks and a longer lower lid. As more bone is lost in the mid-face, the lower lid is dragged inferiorly, resulting in the lengthening of the lower lid and sometimes a projection or even prolapse of the deep tear trough fat pad the cheek - causing what many of us know as an “eye bag “. 

3:Muscles/ligaments: Sphinter type muscles seen around the eyes and mouth are contracted often with facial expressions and typically the main culprit of most of the wear and tear on the thin tissues. This constant repetition causes multiple wrinkles like those of spokes of a wheel. In addition the lower part of the orbicularis oculi stretches and elongates downward contributing to a longer lower lid.  This loss of muscle tone may also be partially responsible for malar festoons.

2: Superficial fat pad: The eyes are an area on the face that lacks a superficial fat pad, and skin is directly attached to the muscle below. 

1: Skin: Epidermal thinning and decrease in collagen causes the skin to lose it's elasticity - increasing the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity in body upper and lower lids.  The frequent patient complaint of “dark circles” is often caused by tear trough deformity; however, this pigmented change can be multifactorial. Pigment can be seen in the skin due to genetics or from loss of volume causing shadowing or, seeing underlying anatomy such as the muscle through thinning skin . 

Treating Eye Aging By Decade

A split face of a granddaughter and grandmother comparing the youthful periorbital area on the left to the aged one on the right. A fuller eyelid complex is replaced by a sunken, more hollowed appearance with excess skin.

Aging is individual, and related to a combination of both extrinsic factors and genetics. For some these changes are slower than in others, however for many  it is rapidly advancing due to changes in our environment and our lifestyle. Below are typical changes we see in the tear trough for patients in each decade of life, and recommendations on how to treat an aging eye.

Treating An Aging Eye : 30's

With skin that is less than 1 mm thick, the skin on your eyelids is the thinnest on your entire body. The tissues around the eye are essentially a sphincter, they contract inwards multiple times a day which causes wear and tear.  In our early 30s few start to see redundancy and less elasticity to the of the skin of the upper lid .


Start with toxin such as Nucieva or Botox to soften the impact and repetitive movements. When it comes to skincare, add in a retinol based eye cream to thicken skin and always use sunscreen to protect elasticity integrity of thinning tissues. If you’re looking for a bit more, you can consider some collagen induction therapy such as RedensifEYE or Micro-needlng annually to maintain thicker skin.

Left: Botox Treatment/Centre: Botox/Collagen Induction Treatment/Right: RedensifEYE treatment

Treating an Aging Eye: 40's

In addition to a continuation of the aging seen in our 30’s, the decent of upper lid skin starts to become more pronounced in our 40’s and the lower eyelid skin starts to show pooches or bags with multiple fine lines. Crows feet also start to become more apparent at rest. 


Consider the above recommended treatments of botox and eye care products and add in tear trough filler, cheek filler for support of the mid-face and a collagen induction or resurfacing treatment like micro-needling, Morpheus8 and/or Halo annually to improve the area. 

Patient on the right received combination dermal filler treatment to help restore lost volume loss, tear trough deformity and rejuvenate the upper face

Before and After of one Halo laser resurfacing with eye-shield add on to treat upper and lower lids.

Treating an Aging Eye: 50's

Deep fat herniation or decrease in fat will further accentuate eye aging once y you hit your 50’s. Herniation of fat, usually with some swelling and fluid retention (greater in the morning) is what makes up those enlarged lower eyelid bags. Loss of fat will create a very hollow sunken appearance around the eye. Wrinkles often become deep, fixed and skin is thin and lax. 

Treatment : 

Filler to support the cheeks and troughs by this decade is a must. It even might be considered in other areas of the face such as the temple, forehead and round the eyes to soften shadows and anatomical transitions . Energy based devices - may require a series of three for significant rejuvenation outcomes. Combination therapy of multiple modalites over the process of 6 months to a year should also be considered. Depending on the severity of aging, Scion TRL treatments could be an option for laser resurfacing of deep etched lines.

Treating An Aging Eye: 60's and upward

Consider the same treatment plan as in the 50s depending on the aging process. However the excess skin and bags of the lower eyelid can be quite pronounced by this life stage and may often requiring surgical intervention . 

Before and After One Sciton TRL Laser

Long before words were invented people communicated with their eyes, and whether or not they are the windows to our soul, they remain one of the first things people notice about you when meeting you for the first time. Due to the delicacy of the surrounding skin, repetitive motions and many environmental factors are eyes are aging faster than we may like. Luckily, there are both non-invasive treatments and products that can help rejuvenate this area, no matter what decade of life we are in.

To learn more about what treatments and options are best for you and your Beauty Evolution, book your 54321 consultation by calling or texting 647-350-7546 or using our online portal here.



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